Board Members
The Board of Directors for FEC prides itself on listening to the constituents of the park district. We are proud to serve our community based on need, not political boundaries. No other type of government can cross city and county lines. This offers flexibility to address the unique needs of our diverse community. Our district is transparent by filing an annual independent audit with the county and an annual financial statement and compensation report to the State Controller. FEC complies with all FPPC regulations, the Public Records Act, and all open meeting requirements on the Brown Act.
By focusing on a specific service, your special district is permitted to pay greater attention than bigger bureaucracies to both long-term planning and everyday constituent and rate-payer feedback.
Monthly Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Conzelmann Community Center (Howe Park): 2201 Cottage Way – Sacramento, CA